Royal Mail strikes: Royal Mail are planning strike action on 31st August, 8th September and 9th September, which could lead to a delay in orders being received. Click here for more information.
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17 April 2020

January 2020 Competition Winner

Elaine from Southam in Warwickshire has won our January Competition...

In our January Competition we offered you the chance to win a RSPB freestanding bird table worth £59.99 by telling us what your favourite bird is and why.

We loved Elaine's entry and she was chosen as the winner. 

Her winning entry was as follows:

'Robin, because they are so delightful to watch! One even made a nest in my bicycle basket! I was so pleased when 3 eggs hatched, I was able to see them grow and leave the nest as independent little birds.'

Well done Elaine!

Elaine, the winner of our January bird table competition, has sent us this lovely message along with some great photos:

“The world is crazy at the moment but mother nature is still wonderful. Because of the lock down I was unable to get my bird table up in my garden. Today my daughter dropped it off on her way home from work. It is now looking great in my tiny outdoor space, surrounded by pots and a clematis, honeysuckle trellis. 30 seconds later a robin appeared and fed for a while. I'm looking forward to many happy hours bird watching, especially when this virus is under control and I'll see the grandsons again. Many thanks and keep well and safe all at Cosyfeet.”

Thank you for getting in touch Elaine. You've put a smile on all our faces.

Bird Table Bird Table