Royal Mail strikes: Royal Mail are planning strike action on 31st August, 8th September and 9th September, which could lead to a delay in orders being received. Click here for more information.
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5 May 2017

Happiness Peaks in Older Age

According to recent research from Royal Voluntary Service, millions of Britons aged 70 plus are experiencing the happiest phase of their life.

The happiest time of your life

According to recent research from Royal Voluntary Service, our charity of the year, millions of Britons aged 70 plus are experiencing the happiest time of their life. It found that 63% of over 70s are happier now than they have ever been. Furthermore, over half (52%) believe they are still in the prime of their life.

Happiness peaks in older age

Two thirds say the best thing about getting older is having more time to do what they want. Other benefits include worrying less about things that aren’t important, no longer caring what people think and being able to speak their mind.

Sharing their top ten secrets to a happy and healthy older age, 89% said keeping their brain active was a priority while 75% cited having a positive outlook on life. Previous research by the charity also revealed the importance of continuing to maintain hobbies into later life. Almost 70% of over 70 year olds practice at least two hobbies on a regular basis claiming this contributes significantly to their health and wellbeing.

The top 10 secrets to a happy and healthy older age, as cited by the over 70's polled:

1 Keeping my brain active 89%

2 Having a positive outlook on life 75%

3 Getting out and about 75%

4 Seeing friends and family 70%

5 Fresh air 70%

6 Having a healthy diet 68%

7 Financial stability 67%

8 Laughter 66%

9 Regular exercise 61%

10 Love and support from friends and family 53%

We would love to hear your tips for a happy and healthy lifestyle. Please send them to and we’ll feature them on our social media pages or the website.