Cosyfeet Charity Work

Supporting the Disasters Emergency Committee for UkraineSupporting the Disasters Emergency Committee for Ukraine

Doing our bit to help

Here at Cosyfeet we strongly believe in donating to and supporting charities which are close to our hearts, as well as those that play an important part in our customers’ lives. Over the years, we’ve been able to raise thousands of pounds for various local and national charities and organisations throughout the UK.

Being able to give back to our much-loved community is a real honour and something we at Cosyfeet feel very strongly about. In recent years we have been privileged enough to be able to provide sponsorship and donations to a variety of causes and organisations within the Somerset county, where our Cosyfeet headquarters is based. These include local sports teams and clubs, as well as a selection of theatre and dance groups.

Here are some the charities we’ve supported in recent years:

The Bumblebee Conservation TrustThe Bumblebee Conservation Trust

Bumblebee Conservation Trust

The Bumblebee Conservation Trust was established because of serious concerns about the plight of the bumblebee – in the last 80 years the UK's bumblebee population has crashed, which could have devastating consequences on the Earth’s delicate eco-balance. From 2020-2022 we were able to raise just over £14,000 in donations, all of which went towards supporting their important research work and activities to create, maintain and conserve bumblebee-friendly habitats across the UK as well as raising awareness of the bumblebees’ declining number.

Pets As Therapy

From 2018-2020 our efforts were focused on raising funds for Pets As Therapy (PAT). Their volunteers, along with their temperament-assessed cats and dogs, make regular visits to nursing homes, hospitals, hospices and schools bringing comfort and joy to everyone they meet. We even had the privilege of hosting some of their dogs and owners at our Cosyfeet shop. Our grand total of donations came to just under £13,000 – enough to assess and register 130 school-based volunteers, as well as providing their PAT dog teams for 65 separate hospital visits.

Pets As TherapyPets As Therapy
The People’s Dispensary for Sick AnimalsThe People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals


The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) was founded in 1917 by Maria Dickin to provide care for sick and injured animals of the poor. They are the UK's leading veterinary charity, carrying out more than one million free veterinary consultations a year. Between 2014-2016 we were able to provide nearly £26,000 towards their efforts of treating thousands of poorly pets in their 48 Pet Hospitals every day.

Canine Partners

We supported Canine Partners through 2012-2014. This incredible organisation train assistance dogs to meet the needs of individuals with even the most complex physical needs, including multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. We were so pleased to be able to donate over £20,000 – an amount which would provide food and insurance for around 200 dogs during their advanced training.

Canine PartnersCanine Partners
Royal Voluntary ServiceRoyal Voluntary Service

Royal Voluntary Service

Women’s Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS) benefitted from our support from 2009-2011, with over £21,000 of donations in total. Through the power of volunteering, they provide one-to-one, group and online services that improve health and wellbeing, resilience, confidence and connections. They updated their title to Royal Voluntary Service (RVS) in 2013, and we chose to support them once again through 2016-2018, where we were able to raise a further £15,000 for their continued, worthy service.


We also provide an annual donation of warm socks to the homeless charity, Crisis, every Christmas. This amazing charity provides companionship, support, shelter and warm meals, helping to alleviate loneliness and isolation, as well as supporting people taking their first steps to getting back on their feet.


If you work for or support a charity or organisation and wish to discuss a potential donation, or gift, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at Alternatively, you can complete our online contact form here.